$title="Abstracts of scientific works of Independent Psychiatric Journal (IPJ), 2011, 3"; $description=""; require($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/inc/_hdr.php'); ?>
E.V. Koren, A.M. Marchenko
In article based on comparative age-related approach concerning forming of specific features of hypochondriasis in children and adolescents revealed that neuropathy as psychiatric syndrome distinguishing for child psychiatry plays important role as an obligatory sign of high vulnerability to the formation of such disorder and also has its own pathogenetic significance that makes it possible to establish constitutionally-neuropathic types of hypochondriacal conditions observed in children.
Also age-related peculiarities of the formation of valuable types of hypochondriacal conditions indicating the precipitating role of neuropathic constitution were highlighted, as well as the impact of modified neuropathic responsiveness to hypochondriacal presentation of the plot of some types of hypochondriac syndrome, with neuropathy playing a significant pathoplastic role as a factor of the internal conditions of formation of hypochondriasis in children and adolescents. Pathoplastic relationship of neuropathy to age-related presentation of hypochondriac syndrome and its pathogenetic significance in cases of unfavourable dynamics of hypochondriacal conditions with a tendency to development of hypochondriacal personality traits are marked.
Key words: hypochondriasis, neuropathic constitution, children and adolescents, age-related approach.
T.I.Nemkova, A.G.Hofman
Literature review of the main national and foreign researches of alcoholic hallucinosis from 1847 to 2009 has been presented and analyzed.
Key words: alcoholic hallucinosis
The author presents results of research of motives, motivation and behaviour at 103 patients, suffering by pathological gambling (F63.0), who addressed independently primarily to the out-patient Center for treatment and preventive maintenance of game addiction at Moscow narcological dispensary # 12 during from 03.04.2007 for 09.10.2009. The game anamnesis, initial motives and circumstances of familiarizing with participation in gambling, features of manifestation, escalation and progress of a pathological involvement is studied.
Keywords: pathological gambling, motives, motivation, circumstances of familiarizing.
T.V. Orlova
The article describes the variant of the clinical psychotherapy method: the creative self-expression psychotherapy by Burno, developed for terminally ill oncology patients, included in the field of spiritual culture.
Key words: creative self-expression therapy, therapy by spiritual culture, psychotherapy in palliative oncology.
Category of experience is one of the most important in psychiatry, psychotherapy, art. The author tries a shot based on the works of the poet I.Brodsky to show how the singularity of mental organization in interaction with original language and literary talent leads to the appearance of products with universal and enduring existential sounding.
Key-words: experience, genius, mind, personality, disease, suffering, faith