$title="Abstracts of scientific works of Independent Psychiatric Journal (IPJ), 2011, 2"; $description=""; require($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/inc/_hdr.php'); ?>
The abundance of literature on depressions in the last decades has extensive character, analysis has been made on different grounds and directions and attempts of typology of depression have been deprived of discussion on system of grounds for such efforts. Authors depart from different empiric grounds; ignore different understanding of basic clinical categories. Absent are even attempts of correct repeated verifications of researches which are basic for opposite conceptions.
Traditional research is focused on “mixed anxiety-depressive conditions” which are mainly characteristic for most patients with affective disorders, while for discovering typologically pure syndromes it is necessary to undertake comparative study of extreme types. It gives possibility to reveal their structural phenomenological and pathogenetic differences and in future to talk about “not mixed”, but different types of combined anxiety-depressive syndromes.
Grounds for separation independent anxiety syndrome corresponding by its range, dimensions and complexity to melancholic one have been discussed. Anxiety syndrome has been considered as taxonomically nuclear for anxious syndromes as well as melancholic one is nucleus for depressive syndromes. Existing behind this clinic-psychopathological demarcation different pathogenetic base of anxious (psychotic anxious) and melancholic syndromes opens up wide field for more subtle structural characteristics having clinically important meaning.
The principal shortcoming of ICD-10 in this respect is absence in cluster of anxiety conditions of psychotic forms.
Key words: taxonomy of depressive syndromes, anxiety psychotic syndrome
V.A. Pehterev (Donetsk, Ukraine)
Introduction to the Criminal Code of Russian Federation in 1997 and to the Criminal Code of Ukraine in 2001 a new legal regulation on partial insanity is considered as a functional test with which the existing forensic psychiatric theory and practice has been unable to cope for a period of 10 and 6 years accordingly.
Key words: responsibility, partial insanity, insanity, theory, practice, research methods.
B.V.Rusina (Voronezh)
Maternal filicide, or child murder by mothers, is a multifaceted phenomenon with various clinical causes and social characteristics. The review of the existing literature and the present study delineates the state of knowledge regarding filicide and neonaticide (murder in the first day of life) and illustrates similarities and differences between these two types of offenses. Results: A high proportion of cases of maternal filicide occurs in the context of mental illness.
Key words: neonaticide, filicide, filicidal mothers, child abuse and maltreatment, maternal pre-existing psychiatric disorders, predictors.
A.S. Igovskaya
Described was the case of clinical psychotherapeutic work with a woman-patient with anxiety disorders of personality with predominance of hypochondria on modified version of therapy by means of creative self-expression by M.E.Burno. As a result of the treatment was evident obvious clinical improvement in condition of the patient (registered due to clinical psychotherapeutic examination) and diminishing of various indices on psychometric scales, began stable compensation of anxiety personal disorder.
Key words: therapy by means of creative self-expression, anxiety personal disorder, psychasthenic experience